This is how you go about getting into a digital marketing job. You will acquire in-demand skills in this program that will prepare you for the workforce in less than six months. Experience or a degree are not necessary.
Professional Certificate – 7 course series
In less than six months, get ready for a new profession in the rapidly expanding industries of digital marketing and e-commerce; no prior experience or degree is needed. More than ever, businesses require talent in digital marketing and e-commerce, since 86% of business leaders predict that digital commerce will be the key to their expansion. Digital marketing and e-commerce have around 213,000 available positions, with a median entry-level salary of $59,000.
This program will teach you how to use tools and platforms such as Canva, Constant Contact, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Shopify, and Twitter, and will provide you with in-demand skills that will help you land an entry-level position.
In addition to receiving instruction from Google subject-matter experts, you will have the opportunity to create your own portfolio by working on projects like social media calendars and customer personas for prospective employers.
Applied Learning Project
This program simulates real-world digital marketing and e-commerce scenarios, which are essential for success in the workplace. It consists of over 190 hours of instruction and practice-based exams. The highly engaging information was created by Google professionals with relevant experience.
You will learn how to create digital marketing and e-commerce strategies, draw in and interact with customers via email and search engine marketing, measure marketing analytics and share insights, create e-commerce stores, assess e-commerce performance, and cultivate customer loyalty.
Canva, Constant Contact, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Shopify, and Twitter are some of the platforms and tools you will learn about.
Using a combination of videos, quizzes, and practical exercises, you will gain knowledge on how to use common tools and platforms needed for entry-level positions. Acquire practical skills that leading companies are now seeking for.
What you’ll learn
- Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing and e-commerce to gain the skills needed to land an entry-level job
- Attract and engage customers through digital marketing channels like search and email
- Measure marketing performance through analytics and present insights
- Build e-commerce stores, analyze online performance, and grow customer loyalty